Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Series 6 Doctor Who Figures Announced

More news from the action figure world. They had to get a couple of episodes out of the way so as these weren't spoilers. Here's a run down on the next (Series 6) release from Character Creations (for the current season, alas not classic) - 

Eleventh Doctor (in a Stetson)
With rediculous American hat and obligatory sonic screwdriver. As seen in The Impossible Astronaut (2011). Utterly unimaginative.

The green-eyed Ood (with green orb translation device) from The Doctor's Wife (2011) (I'd rather have Idris/TARDIS, but beggers can't be choosers).

Silent (open gob and closed gob variants)
As seen in Day of the Moon (2011), or not, as the case my be...

Amelia Jessica Pond as per 'Eleventh Hour' 2010. First release May 2011. A limited edition exclusive 'Doctor Who Experience' junior Amy Pond with overcoat and suitcase is also (only) available at The Doctor Who Experience exhibition shop.

So, apart from Iris and Amy in a pirate/Dana Skully outfit, spotted any good stuff you'd like as figs in the series so far?


Unknown May 18, 2011 at 3:35 PM  

Little Amelia action figure is sweet!
But other than that, no. They should've just sold the cowboy hat. But I suppose it's the full figure with a minor diiference that appeals to serious collectors, which im not.

Terry Lightfoot May 19, 2011 at 2:46 AM  

Little Amelia action figure is sweet!
But other than that, no. They should've just sold the cowboy hat. But I suppose it's the full figure with a minor diiference that appeals to serious collectors, which im not.

Taras June 3, 2011 at 2:25 AM  

Where is the Rory figure?

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