Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 101
Greetings, weary travelers.
Amazingly, it's time for The Ribos Operation as we start our review of The Key to Time [1978] season and the arrival of Mary Tamm as Fred. Big Tom, as The Doctor. Cyril Luckham as The Guardian. Iain Cuthbertson as Garron. You’d think you’d know better by now… You’d think WE’D know better by now!
Alas, no TARDIS kitty this time, but hopefully back to the full complement soon.
The usual banter, but a bit shorter than usual, as we slur our way through the usual complicated drinking game and try not to snicker every time one of us says "crown jewels."
Check out our usual Whovian stuff on Facebook and Twitter (if you still do that). Blah blah spoilers, blah blah, bad language. Blah blah. Many contain nuts. Not safe for children or for use with household fabrics, and if you've not seen this one, you can find it here.Keep safe.
The Dirty WHOers.
The Dirty WHOers.
Starting our ongoing mission to cover all of The Key to Time saga. Making the best of 'The Ribos Operation' [1978], with the usual irreverence from the usual squad.