Sunday, January 1, 2023

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 100

Well, here we are... Episode 100.

Let's not get all weepy about it, let's just crack on with another review. This time around we’re heading back to Season 13, and the early ‘76 fan-classic The Brain of Morbius. Fuchsia, we know this one’s a fave of yours so this one’s for you, babe.

Big Tom, our Sarah Jane, with Philip Madoc as Solon, Colin Fay as Condor, Michael Spice as the voice of the monster, and introducing the mother flipin’ Sisterhood of Kahn and some mother flipin’ actual Gallifey backstory.

Spoilers ahead, obviously. If you haven’t seen it already, shame on you. Go watch this before we go any further. We can wait.

We publish daily Whovian stuff on Facebook and Twitter and here's our rating system and drinking game. Next up Rebos Operation, or something else. Whatever.

Oh, and check out Neon Tapier's excellent work on Savage World's RP for Doctor Who.

Keep safe, and brace for 2023.

The Dirty WHOers.

Celebrating our 100th episode with our review of a Fushia favorite, 'Brain of Morbius' [1976]. Thank you, to everyone out there in podcast land, for not caring that we don't care and for listening to this bobbo.

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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