Sunday, August 20, 2023

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 102

Hey, you beautiful Whoers.

It's time for part two of our rundown of The Key to Time, so brace for the ham and cheese that is FX awesome of The Pirate Planet [1978].

Tabby is back, and this episode is brought to you by the letter K, the number 9, and the word Bafflegab. Big Tom, Mary Tamm, and The Tin Dog.

Directed by Pennant Roberts, who also did Planet of Evil, Sunmakers, Warrior of the Deep, and the half of Shada, plus other nostalgic GenX BBC telly. A great director but also somewhat shrewd in the casting. As shown by Bruce Purchase in this one, of Quatermass fame, as The Captain, and obviously his casting of Louise Jameson as Leela. Unmistakably written by the legend that is - or sadly was - Douglas Adams, he of Hitchhikers and Dirk Gently fame. He also wrote City of Death and all of Shada. We were robbed of his talents far too soon. Four episodes totaling 100 minutes. Produced by Graham Williams, this went out in September 1978.

The usual shenanigans, and stay around for something interesting at the end about coming podcasts. Check out our usual intermittent stuff on Facebook and Twitter (or whatever we're calling it now). Don't forget the drinking game. Spoilers and swearing, obvs, and if you've not seen it already, you can find it here. Need clarification on our rating system? So does Terry. 

Stay safe.

The Dirty WHOers.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Dirty WHOers [The Lost Episodes] - Episode 1

We're going back in time...

Sputters found an Imperial shit ton of old episodes on a venerable hard drive, which we thought we'd lost to the forces of entropy. This was our first episode [001], published in 2010 on Sunday, January 17th. We pitched it thus:

The big tester to see if this is a goer or not.

As telly is currently Who-free, we're starting with our favorite Docs, actors, and eras. Terry has a try at reading the news, while the rest of us provide 'helpful and constructive comments'.

The sounds a bit iffy in places, mainly cos we're mumbling over each other, but you'll just have to get used to it (you get what you pay for, and it's free).

Let us know, in the comments below, if you like it or not. You can also subscribe in iTunes., has, been, made.

The usual shenanigans, with Sen, Lightfoot, Fuschia, and Sputnik. Spoilers and actually much less swearing than usual - Fuschia was clearly a claiming influence. This is pre-rating system. More driven by our love of the show, we chat about our favorite and least Doctors, best eras, and favorite actors who played the Doctor, and it's WAY more social and freeform than nowadays. We talked over each other WAY more. We'll keep publishing these as we find them, in order, so more to come. Remember when we had a news section?!

If you liked this and you want more, or hate it and want less, let us know over on Facebook or Twitter [X], We're gonna do it anyway, but we'll pretend we care.

"Get in!"


Lord President Sen, Oolon 'Sputters' Spunik, Fushia Begonia, and Terry Lightfoot, discuss our favorite Docs, actors, and eras. Terry tries to read the news while the rest of us provide 'helpful and constructive comments.'

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 101

Greetings, weary travelers. 

Amazingly, it's time for The Ribos Operation as we start our review of The Key to Time [1978] season and the arrival of Mary Tamm as Fred. Big Tom, as The Doctor. Cyril Luckham as The Guardian. Iain Cuthbertson as Garron. You’d think you’d know better by now… You’d think WE’D know better by now!

Alas, no TARDIS kitty this time, but hopefully back to the full complement soon.

The usual banter, but a bit shorter than usual, as we slur our way through the usual complicated drinking game and try not to snicker every time one of us says "crown jewels."

Check out our usual Whovian stuff on Facebook and Twitter (if you still do that). Blah blah spoilers, blah blah, bad language. Blah blah. Many contain nuts. Not safe for children or for use with household fabrics, and if you've not seen this one, you can find it here.

Keep safe.

The Dirty WHOers.

Starting our ongoing mission to cover all of The Key to Time saga. Making the best of 'The Ribos Operation' [1978], with the usual irreverence from the usual squad.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 100

Well, here we are... Episode 100.

Let's not get all weepy about it, let's just crack on with another review. This time around we’re heading back to Season 13, and the early ‘76 fan-classic The Brain of Morbius. Fuchsia, we know this one’s a fave of yours so this one’s for you, babe.

Big Tom, our Sarah Jane, with Philip Madoc as Solon, Colin Fay as Condor, Michael Spice as the voice of the monster, and introducing the mother flipin’ Sisterhood of Kahn and some mother flipin’ actual Gallifey backstory.

Spoilers ahead, obviously. If you haven’t seen it already, shame on you. Go watch this before we go any further. We can wait.

We publish daily Whovian stuff on Facebook and Twitter and here's our rating system and drinking game. Next up Rebos Operation, or something else. Whatever.

Oh, and check out Neon Tapier's excellent work on Savage World's RP for Doctor Who.

Keep safe, and brace for 2023.

The Dirty WHOers.

Celebrating our 100th episode with our review of a Fushia favorite, 'Brain of Morbius' [1976]. Thank you, to everyone out there in podcast land, for not caring that we don't care and for listening to this bobbo.

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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