Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 99
Howdy Wholigans. Hope life is treating you adequately.
Here we are again, the usual crew to argue the semantics of another classic Who. Spoilers, as ever, be ahead – see the nautical theme there?
…this time we’re going back to early ‘72 and the Season 9 six-parter, The Sea Devils. The stuff of many Gen X childhood nightmares.
Sputters personal Who cherry – the first episode he remembers. Neatly squatting between Curse of Peledon and The Mutants, this was written by Malcolm Hulke (who also did the Target book), script diddled by Terrance Dicks, and produced by Barry Letts – some would indeed say the holy creative trinity of the earth-bound Pertwee era.
Check it out before you check the podcast out, if you really must.
Keep safe, and brace for 100.
The Dirty WHOers.
Trawling through The Sea Devils [1972]. Is it the fan classic we thought it was, or is it just another wet kipper? Let's find out.