Sunday, December 19, 2021

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 98

Bonjour frère Docteur Qui fanso.

Here we are again, rapidly approaching 100 episodes of this rambling bobbo.

This time we’re going back to the Season 17 banger, 'City of Death' [1979]. Notoriously a Top 10 fan-classic, it came after Destiny of the Daleks and before Creature from the Pit and the final episode has the dubious distinction to be the single most-watched episode of Doctor Who, at broadcast, ever, in part due to the strike that took ITV off the air on that particular Saturday. Big Tom and Lala, skipping around the streets of Paris on a weekend jolly, with wobbly one-eyed aliens and Douglas Adam dialogue. Produced by Graham Williams, with cameos from John Cleese, Elenore Bron, and performances from luminaries like Julien Glover, the lovely Catherine Schell, Kevin Flood, and Tom Chadbon as the irrepressible "Duggan"! – arguably the greatest companion who never was.

Spoilers ahead, folks, but if you haven’t watched a top 10 episode that came out 40 odd years ago you probably need to have a fuckin’ word with y’self. Check it out before you check the podcast out, if you really must. You must know the rating system and the drinking game by now, so we can probably stop linking to them. It's been over a decade FFS.

Keep safe, and remember: Podcasting is cheaper than therapy.

The Dirty WHOers.

Bonjour frère Docteur Qui fanso. This time, we're chatting about 'City of Death' [1979]. Big Tom and Lala, skipping around the streets of Paris on a weekend jolly. Podcasting is cheaper than therapy.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 97

Greetings Wholigans, hope life is treating you kindly.

It’s been a wee-while, but RL pressures y’know. Still, welcome to (mercifully) under 30 minutes of our intermittent nit-picking about the historical output of the BBC.

This time we’re going back to the 17th Century and 'The Visitation' [1982] – a period tale of plague, goings-on in the country, androids, yokels with pitchforks, criminal lizard/fish aliens and, in the final few minutes, the Great Fire of London.

Not seen it? Check it out before you check the podcast out.

Waterhouse, Sutton, and Fielding. Directed by Peter Moffatt (5 Doctors, 2 Doctors, stuff with vets), and written by Erik Saward (Resurrection, Revelation, and jury service on Trial of a Timelord). 4 episodes, totalling 100 minutes. Produced by the John Nathan Turner, and it’s that strange and unfulfilling Whovian middle ground just before everyone else tuned out. Come and join our pain.

Have a look at the daily stuff we post on Facebook, and there's Twitter. Confused by our rating system? So is Terry. Don't forget the drinking game.

Keep safe, and keep watching the classics.

The Dirty WHOers.

This time we’re going back to the 17th Century for 'The Visitation' [1982] – a period tale of plague, goings-on in the country, highwaymen, yokels with pitchforks, and the Great Fire of London. What's not to love?

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 96

Welcome, Citizens of the Planet Earth, to our slightly boozy review of Frontier in Space [1973].

Not seen this one? It's online HERE.

Ninety-six episodes and this is the first one where we had to take a piss-break. Seriously, this is a quarter of what we recorded.

A 6-episode sci-fi romp for the Third Doctor and Jo Grant, in the 10th anniversary year, getting off-planet this season and after ‘Carnival of Monsters’ and leading directly into ‘Planet of the Daleks’. This is Katie’s last season. It helps to think of this as ‘The Ogron Years’ - where even the most neanderthal of stuntmen could get lines of dialogue at Equity rates. This was the last appearance by Roger Delgado before he died only a few months later. Brand new sonic screwdriver in this one that serves the Doctor all the way until Visitation.

We publish a load of daily Whovian bobbo on Facebook and Twitter. In case you need it, here's our rating system and drinking game.

Keep safe, and keep watching the classics.

The Dirty WHOers.


Welcome, Citizens of the Planet Earth, to our slightly boozy review of 'Frontier in Space' [1973]. Is it space opera or space pantomime? Is it epic, or just too damn long? Come get some.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 95

How do, folks? 

Time for our review of a bit of classic, Face of Evil [1977].

Right in the middle of the golden years, Big Tom at (arguably) his characterful best, first trip out for Terry’s favourite (Louise Jameson as Leela), the much-acclaimed season 14.

Will contain spoilers. May contain nuts. 4 episodes, totalling 100 minutes. A fine cast of scantily clad male thespians skipping around a jungle set delivering their lines with the utmost sincerity like they were on stage at The Globe. Is Leela the only woman in this? There might be another one when they’re getting set up to attack the wall... because that raises a whole heap of unwholesome questions. Not seen this one? Check it out here.

Here's our rating system and here's the drinking game - and you will need a drink, these are shit if you're sober. Join us for (almost) daily stuff over on Facebook and Twitter. Please give us a 'like' wherever you listen to your podcasts - it all helps and validates our 8 hours of editing time. 
Keep safe, and here's raising a glass to you and yours.

The Dirty WHOers.


The usual tribe of regulars. Much conversation about 'Face of Evil' [1977]. Right in the middle of the golden years, Big Tom and the first trip out for Terry’s favorite (Louise Jameson as Leela).

Monday, February 8, 2021

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 94

Hello folks. We’re still here. Glad you are too. Here we go again. It's even more bobbo than usual, but at least it's pleasantly short.

This episode we’re going back to the Hartnell era and reviewing the often ignored, ‘Planet of Giants’. Something of a ‘flyover state’ of an episode, this is the first serial of the second season, way back in 1964 – interestingly 4 years before Land of the Giants and nearly a decade after Incredible Shrinking Man – make of that what you will. Packed with practical effects, environmental warnings and casual misogyny.

It’s been 10-months since our resurrection and Fuchsia’s regeneration, and we’re still here home educating, home working, and home improving - making the best of our respective countries, indeed the world, mostly going to rat shit. We’re still cranking these babies out in a battle to fight the day-to-day tedium of our ongoing existence. It’s way cheaper than therapy.

Anyway, enjoy. Seventy-five minutes of a tiny TARDIS team traversing treacherous terrain. Overzealous businessmen, pint-sized poisonings, spurious science, and an environmental mystery on a truly gigantic scale - where the crew make only a small impression and it’s actually a nosey telephonist and her bobby hubby that save the day.

AVOID SPOILERS: Watch it here first.

Please give us a review and thumbs up wherever you listen. Here's our rating system and here's the drinking game (has anyone ever actually done the drinking game?). For our sins, we're also over on Facebook and Twitter - like you care. 

Stay safe, you glorious Whovian bastards.

The Dirty WHOers.


Two yanks. Two limeys. Musing on 'Planet of Giants' [1964]. Another of our COVID lockdown episodes, and we’re still home educating, home working, and home improving, thanks to the power of wine.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 93

It's fair to say we need to get out more, but it's fair to say so does everyone.

We're heading back almost 40 years to January 1983, and the Peter Davison serial ‘Arc of Infinity’. This is the first one in the 20th anniversary year, and it feels like it’s been about a year in the story since Time-Flight  – or it’s actually about 50 years, judging by the number of audios Big Finish has crowbarred into this gap. 4 episodes. 25 minutes each. Sarah Sutton. Janet Fielding. Yada. Yada. Yada.

Dodge any spoilers by watching it first, HERE.

If you're as confused about our rating system as Terry is, go check it out. You're going to need a drink so may as well give our drinking game a punt.

We're on Facebook, and Twitter, if you still do such things. Please give us a review or a rating on Spotify or iTunesor wherever you listen.

Keep safe, you beautiful Whovian bastards.

The Dirty WHOers.


Bursting blood vessels about Davison's 'Arc of Infinity' [1983], with some primo lore and retconning from Sen. If you need an introduction to 'typical Dirty WHOers,' this is the one.

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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