Sunday, December 27, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 92

Greetings. Children of the night.

Grab yourselves a glass of wine - "Wine? I do not drink... wine."

This time we're going to be taking a look at Big Tom and Lala's vampy 'classic', 'State of Decay' [1980].

Terrance, Sputnik, The Kitty and Lord Pez seem to mostly agree on this one. Number 2 in the E-Space trilogy. 4 episodes, 25 minutes each. More camp than a cub scout jamboree, a romping emo-panto left over from the season 13/14 run of horror pastiches and classics - and something of a stand-out in this season because of it.

Avoid spoilers by checking it out first, HERE.

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Want to roll your own 'Wheel of Who'? Give TheRandomiser.Net a spin.

Keep safe.

The Dirty WHOers.


Greetings. Children of the night. Grab yourselves a glass of wine - "Wine? I do not drink... wine." Terrance, Sputnik, The Kitty, and Lord Pez, cheerfully quibbling about 'State of Decay' [1980].

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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