Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 90
'Ello folks.
Grab y'self a cocoa it's time for our review of the 1964 Harnell 'classic', The Aztecs - with some slightly mixed opinions.Sputters, Lightfoot, Tabs and Sen in a remarkably sober one. Pottering around in the TARDIS and getting into historical scrapes. Casual jewellery theft leading to some mesoamerican cloak and dagger. The Doctor gets off with someone's mum and Chesterton kicks ass. Susan goes back to school. Bugger all budget well spent.
Grab y'self a cocoa it's time for our review of the 1964 Harnell 'classic', The Aztecs - with some slightly mixed opinions.Sputters, Lightfoot, Tabs and Sen in a remarkably sober one. Pottering around in the TARDIS and getting into historical scrapes. Casual jewellery theft leading to some mesoamerican cloak and dagger. The Doctor gets off with someone's mum and Chesterton kicks ass. Susan goes back to school. Bugger all budget well spent.
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Please give us some love over on iTunes and we're now also on Spotify.
Please give us some love over on iTunes and we're now also on Spotify.
Wanna roll your own 'Wheel of Who'? Give TheRandomiser.Net a spin.
Now get back into the TARDIS and make us a sandwich.
The Dirty WHOers x
Now get back into the TARDIS and make us a sandwich.
The Dirty WHOers x
Grab y'self a cocoa; it's time for our review of Harnell's 1964 story, 'The Aztecs.' The usual mixed opinions. Sputters, Lightfoot, Tabs, and Sen in a remarkably sober outing.