Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 89
Terry (the Lightfoot), Miss Tabby, Sputters and The Lord President make time to talk over the pros and cons of this seminal classic.
Number four and Leela go cosplaying in Victorian London. Limehouse and limelight. The Phantom of the Opera gets his ride stolen, then loses the keys. Pig puppets in the laundry. Lots of skulking in other peoples gardens. The Savage drinks a trifle.
Not seen Talons of Weng-Chiang? Check it out HERE. If you're looking for more superb Jago and Lightfoot? - try The Bloodless Soldier (for free) from Big Finish.
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Stay safe and don't lick the skirting boards.
The Dirty WHOers x
Stay safe and don't lick the skirting boards.
The Dirty WHOers x
Number four and Leela go cosplaying in Victorian London. The Lightfoot, Miss Tabby, Oolon, and The Lord President find time to discuss the pros and cons of this seminal classic, 'Talons of Weng-Chiang' [1977].