Sunday, December 27, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 92

Greetings. Children of the night.

Grab yourselves a glass of wine - "Wine? I do not drink... wine."

This time we're going to be taking a look at Big Tom and Lala's vampy 'classic', 'State of Decay' [1980].

Terrance, Sputnik, The Kitty and Lord Pez seem to mostly agree on this one. Number 2 in the E-Space trilogy. 4 episodes, 25 minutes each. More camp than a cub scout jamboree, a romping emo-panto left over from the season 13/14 run of horror pastiches and classics - and something of a stand-out in this season because of it.

Avoid spoilers by checking it out first, HERE.

We're on Facebook, and Twitter, if you do such things. Please give us a review or a rating on Spotify or iTunesor wherever you get your Doctor Who podcasting fix. Don't forget our drinking game and our rating system.

Want to roll your own 'Wheel of Who'? Give TheRandomiser.Net a spin.

Keep safe.

The Dirty WHOers.


Greetings. Children of the night. Grab yourselves a glass of wine - "Wine? I do not drink... wine." Terrance, Sputnik, The Kitty, and Lord Pez, cheerfully quibbling about 'State of Decay' [1980].

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 91

'Ello campers.

Brace yourselves. This month we're reviewing the McCoy first season outing, 'Delta and the Bannermen' [1987].

Tabs, Sen, Sputters and Lightfoot get a bit shouty. May contain the f-word, the c-word, spoilers and nuts. It's a merciful 3 episodes, 25 minutes each. An hour and a half of rock and roll and rockets and redcoats. All shot on location in Wales. Something about stealing baby formula, missing satellites, screaming kids and Ken Dodd – all will hopefully become apparent.

Not seen  Delta and the Bannermen? Check it out before you listen to the podcast, HERE.

We're on Facebook, and over on Twitter, if you do such things.

Please give us a like or leave a comment on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasting fix.

Want to spin your own 'Wheel of Who'? Give TheRandomiser.Net a whirl!

Stay safe.

The Dirty WHOers x 

And lockdown continues... Getting hot under the collar about 'Delta and the Bannermen' [1987]. Contains the f-word, the c-word, spoilers, and nuts.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 90

'Ello folks.

Grab y'self a cocoa it's time for our review of the 1964 Harnell 'classic', The Aztecs - with some slightly mixed opinions.

Sputters, Lightfoot, Tabs and Sen in a remarkably sober one. Pottering around in the TARDIS and getting into historical scrapes. Casual jewellery theft leading to some mesoamerican cloak and dagger. The Doctor gets off with someone's mum and Chesterton kicks ass. Susan goes back to school. Bugger all budget well spent.

Not seen Doctor Who and the Aztecs? It's online HERE.

High functioning alcoholic? Give our Dirty WHOers drinking game a go. If you need it here's our rating system. We're over on Twitter and Facebook, posting regular stuff.

Please give us some love over on iTunes and we're now also on Spotify.

Wanna roll your own 'Wheel of Who'? Give TheRandomiser.Net a spin.

Now get back into the TARDIS and make us a sandwich.

The Dirty WHOers x 

Grab y'self a cocoa; it's time for our review of Harnell's 1964 story, 'The Aztecs.' The usual mixed opinions. Sputters, Lightfoot, Tabs, and Sen in a remarkably sober outing.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 89

It's time, finally, for our review of Talons of Weng-Chiang [1977] - with mixed opinions as ever.

Terry (the Lightfoot), Miss Tabby, Sputters and The Lord President make time to talk over the pros and cons of this seminal classic.

Number four and Leela go cosplaying in Victorian London. Limehouse and limelight. The Phantom of the Opera gets his ride stolen, then loses the keys. Pig puppets in the laundry. Lots of skulking in other peoples gardens. The Savage drinks a trifle.

Not seen Talons of Weng-Chiang? Check it out HERE. If you're looking for more superb Jago and Lightfoot? - try The Bloodless Soldier (for free) from Big Finish.

Stuck in lockdown? Give our Dirty WHOers drinking game a punt. What could go wrong? If you need it here's our rating system. We're over on Twitter and Facebook, delivering daily pics and comments.

Please give us a rating and a follow over on iTunes and we're now also on Spotify.

Fancy rolling your own Wheel of Who? Give TheRandomiser.Net a spin.

Stay safe and don't lick the skirting boards.

The Dirty WHOers x 

Number four and Leela go cosplaying in Victorian London. The Lightfoot, Miss Tabby, Oolon, and The Lord President find time to discuss the pros and cons of this seminal classic, 'Talons of Weng-Chiang' [1977].

Monday, June 15, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 88

Another mixed set of opinions this time 'round as we give our inebriated opinion of the Davison era time-travel 'romp', Mawdryn Undead [1983]. Thinking, as ever, is divided.

Sen, Tabby, Sputters and Lightfoot get together (some slight sound issues, sorry) and chew the fat over all things beige.

The Brig and the Doc drink tea while the companions run around making wild assumptions. A car thief and a man with a bird on his head plot his downfall. Something about stolen Timelord stuff and the assistants turning into kids.

Not seen Mawdryn Undead? Check it out HERE if you need to.

Don't forget our drinking game and if you need it, though even Terry got it right this time, here's our Dirty WHOers rating system. We're on Twitter (deal with it) and Facebook (if ya like that kinda thing) should you have a thing for irreverent daily WHOness.

Please give us a rating and a follow over on iTunes and we're now also on Spotify.

Stay happy.

The Dirty WHOers x

Mixed ramblings as we lay down our unwanted judgment upon the Davison era time-travel 'romp,' 'Mawdryn Undead' [1983]. Thinking is divided, but we all love The Brig.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 87

It's time for us to review the final episode of Big Tom, Logopolis [1981].

The Doc and Algebra Boy go to Logopolis to repair the chameleon circuit, because maths, not knowing that a cricketer is waiting for him to fall off Jodrell Bank. Something about a TARDIS in a TARDIS and Nyssa's dad.

The new team, Sputters, Tabby, Sen and Terry, are doing our best to knock a new one out once a month, so fingers crossed for another one soon.

We have a new addition to our Dirty WHOers drinking game and if you need it, here's our rating system. Shout out if you think a Logopolitan is a cocktail or an ice cream, and what the ingredients would be.

Not seen Logopolis? Opinion is divided as to whether you should. Check it out HERE.

If you do Facebook or Twitter we're over there posting pics and vids and quibbling with ourselves.

Give us a follow and please give us a rating over on iTunes. If you need to find the podcasts that aren't on iTunes or on the blog, try HERE. We're also now on Spotify!

Keep safe.

The Dirty WHOers x

Sen, Tabby, Lightfoot, and Sputters get their geek on for 'Logopolis' [1981]. The Doc and Algebra Boy try to repair the chameleon circuit - because maths. Even in Second Life, a TARDIS in a TARDIS is bad.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dirty Whoers Podcast - Episode 86

This time out we're casting a critical eye over (and slurring our vowles through) the Jon Pertwee, Caroline John and Nick Courtney classic, 'Doctor Who and the Silurians' [1970].

This episode we'd also like to introduce Miss Tabby, our new Dirty WHOers regular and the product of an incident between a cup of tea, our TARDIS cat and an unexpected release of Artron energy.

Some of you may recognise her voice - but our ongoing team anonymity continues to be a blessing that means we can say whatever the hell we want. We very much hope Fuschia can pop in for a cuppa/tipple some time in the future, but please welcome Tabitha as she has some big Pixie shoes to fill.

As you may be aware, we're going to be looking at the 'classic' episodes from now on [1963-1989]. We've done A LOT of the new stuff, but in times of crisis, we want to do what we love. We may return to the new series at a later date, but be prepared for some one-off specials on cannon and fandom to fill in the gaps.

We're doing our best to knock a few more of these out while we can, but coordination of the team is always a tricky one, even in lockdown. Please bear with us.

If you need it, here's the run-down on our rating system. We'll be updating our Dirty WHOers drinking game once we know how the cat reacts to further stimulus.

Not seen these episodes? Check 'em out HERE.

If you do Facebook or Twitter we share stuff over there daily.

Give us a follow and please give us a rating over on iTunes. Wanna check out our previous podcasts that aren't on iTunes? No worries, try HERE.

Stay safe, stay inside, and keep h'pecker up.

The Dirty WHOers x

First episode for Miss Tabby, our new Dirty WHOers regular. Happily slurring our vowels through the vintage Jon Pertwee story, 'Doctor Who and the Silurians' [1970].

Friday, April 17, 2020

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 85

Howdy folks.

Well, it's been a while - and ain't the world gone mental. It seemed a perfect time, while we're bouncing around our respected houses, watching old episodes and grazing from the fridge, to flop out a podcast. What could be more perfect for a Covid-19 special than The Invisible Enemy [1977]?

Don't worry, it's mercifully short.

There's no Fuschia for this one, so we've drafted in St. Xtofer to help out and add a thin veneer of respectability.

If you're as confused as we are, take a look at the Dirty WHOers rating system. As we're all in lockdown and outside regular drinking hours you may also need the Dirty WHOers drinking game to get you through.

Not seen this episode? Check it out HERE.

Be safe, be happy, and please subscribe to our daily Whovian bobbo over on Facebook and Twitter.

Wanna check out our previous podcasts? No worries, you can do that for most of them HERE on the blog. Will we do more? Very possibly - but only time will tell.


Our lockdown return. While we're bouncing around our respective homes, watching old episodes, and grazing from the fridge, it's the perfect time to grab our friend, X, and flop out a podcast.

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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