Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 79

Yeah, it's been a while, we know. This was recorded AGES ago and Terry and Sputters have finally cobbled an edit together (thanks guys, top work).

This time, however, is a bit special; Our good friend St. Xtofer (of Facebook fame) joins the usual alcoholic ramblings to add his erudite yet mystical and ancient opinion into the mix as we take a shufty at 'Time Heist' [2014].

It's fair to say we may deviate a touch from the brief in this one, but sod it.

Saint Xtofer has been doing his usual valiant work on our Facebook Page, so it's good to let him out of his cave to play. Don't forget we're also over on Twitter and on Google Plus (can the last one out please turn off the lights?).

Should you be as confused about the Dirty WHOers rating system as Terry, there's a copy online.

Seriously, does anyone still listen to this? We have no way of knowing.

Our good friend St. Xtofer joins the usual alcoholic ramblings to add his erudite (yet mystical and ancient) opinion into the mix as we take a punt at 'Time Heist' [2014].

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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