Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 81

Howdy folks.

This is a long one and probably the longest rant to date.

Many moons ago Sen, Fuschia, Lightfoot and Sputters took a look at the last parts of the last series and the series as a whole and came to a very serious realisation...

Big thanks to Lightfoot and Sputters for, in the end, doing the edit. It was a labour of love, clearly.

We're over on FacebookTwitter and on Google Plus should our daily ranting and Photoshopping be up your street (with the help of X).

By now you've probably forgotten the Dirty WHOers rating system, there's a copy. You'll be nissed as a pewt on this one.

See you with some classic episode, once the hang over wears off.

Probably the most extended rant to date, we look at the end of the 2015 season and make a unanimous decision. See you with some classic episodes once the hangover wears off.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 80

It's been a bloody long time since the last one, we know. This one went in the can months ago, back in October 2014, and we've just got around to sorting the edit. Life gets pretty busy, what can we say?

The usual crew, accompanied by St. Xtofer, nit-pick our way over 'The Caretaker' [2014] and the series up until then, without the benefit of having seen the later episodes.

Don't forget we're also on FacebookTwitter and on Google Plus should our daily ranting and Photoshopping tickle your fancy.

By now you've probably forgotten the Dirty WHOers rating system, there's a copy.

Grab a glass. Run a bath. It's mercifully short.

Back to school. The Dirty WHOers, happily accompanied by our pal St. Xtofer, nit-pick our way over 'The Caretaker' [2014] and the start of Series 8.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 79

Yeah, it's been a while, we know. This was recorded AGES ago and Terry and Sputters have finally cobbled an edit together (thanks guys, top work).

This time, however, is a bit special; Our good friend St. Xtofer (of Facebook fame) joins the usual alcoholic ramblings to add his erudite yet mystical and ancient opinion into the mix as we take a shufty at 'Time Heist' [2014].

It's fair to say we may deviate a touch from the brief in this one, but sod it.

Saint Xtofer has been doing his usual valiant work on our Facebook Page, so it's good to let him out of his cave to play. Don't forget we're also over on Twitter and on Google Plus (can the last one out please turn off the lights?).

Should you be as confused about the Dirty WHOers rating system as Terry, there's a copy online.

Seriously, does anyone still listen to this? We have no way of knowing.

Our good friend St. Xtofer joins the usual alcoholic ramblings to add his erudite (yet mystical and ancient) opinion into the mix as we take a punt at 'Time Heist' [2014].

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 78

Finally we're getting around to our review of the Steven Moffat/Douglas Mackinnon offering, 'Listen' [2014].

We recorded this way back when it first came out but lives have got in the way of editing of late so you'll have to bear with us. On reflection, some of our ideas about future episodes may have been a bit wayward, but sod it.

Labelled as "possibly Moffat's most terrifying episode to date", we take a shufty at the unfortunate tent shape in the bed, toy soldiers and all things Gallifeyan.

Terrance and Sputters on the edit this time around. Cheers peeps. Stirling work. Also, big thanks to our wandering hermit Saint Xtofer who's doing a stirling job helping us with things on Facebook (and so, indirectly, on Twitter and on Google Plus). Remember, if you're so inclined, here's the Dirty WHOers rating system and the Dirty WHOers drinking game for shits and giggles.

Did we mention electricity vodka?


Hyped-up review of 'Listen' [2014]. Labeled as "possibly Moffat's most terrifying episode to date," we take a closer look at the unfortunate tent under the sheets. Luckily it's quite short.

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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