Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 75

Hola peeps.

They're coming thick and fast, these podcasts. New season, an' all. This time around we cast a critical eye over 'Deep Breath' as we bitch and moan and slur our words through episode 808.

Where the hell is Victorian Torchwood? Underused hat pins. Clock work numpties resolved too quick? Buying into a 3D Clara, or is she already ruined. Talking to anything. Plotflangium, like Dalekanium. Lucky regeneration episodes. Is the Doctor there yet? Strax, a waste of precious oxygen that is so defective he should be put down. Like the twittering of a bird. The actual size of a T-Rex (crack a book) - back to Pertwee and not 'Walking With'. Sloppy? Reassuring the fan girls. Things you excuse first time around. Hitting us over the head with lesbians? - more people upset about cake. She was ready to like it. Only a years contract. Being around teenagers. Picking faces, not noses. Mat Smith says it's ok to like Capaldi. Forgetting every incarnation she's already met. Was it two episodes? Not the Rani: No matter what she is she will be awful and disappointing, but at least not obtrusive. Cheesy lizards. Making horse shit believable. Not much mopping up.

Bless The Prof, as ever, for sterling work and his blatant audacity.

A hearty salute to Saint Xtofer (our wondering wise hermit) for helping keep folks entrained over on Facebook. We're all over Twitter and Google Plus. Don't forget (like Terry does) if you need to know our rating system it's here on our blog.


Sen, Oolon, Begonia, and Lightfoot, bitching and moaning and slurring our words through 'Deep Breath' [2014]. Bless The Prof, as ever, for his sterling editing work and 'blatant Audacity.'

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 74

So, here we are again. Brace y'selves for 'The Unquiet Dead' [2005].

Like the Dukes of Hazard. Does Billy know who it was? A twitch of the ear. Follow on rifts. Bondage Daleks leave him cold. Sputters loves Fushia (apparently). U-Boat Captains guilt. He should have railings around him. We'd all be god-smacked by Dickens in our carriage. Just sayin'. She said Bush. Artificial Touchwood vs the purity of Who. We should all be watching the same thing! The gay guy who dies in four weddings. The chances of a pure historical? Going back for Edwin Drood. Barberella and the bins. A thing for turning hookers. Make it a two parter - put more adverts in it?! The same level again - inside the WHOniverse. What makes Sputters cry? - too much whiskey? The jumper. A very big thank you - it could have been Christopher Biggins. Who would you cosplay at a convention? Waiting for the last Sarah Jane. So posh Welsh she doesn't have an accent. The crack, again. Where he needs to go. Victorian gas. Timey Wimey NOT! Terry is strongest. Our Gwen - well played! Has he gone yet?

A massive thank you, as ever, to the Prof, for turning another pigs ear into a silk purse. You are our editing hero (and Sputters had forgotten how much bloody work one of these things takes).

Thanks to Saint Xtofer and everyone over on our Facebook and Twitter, and Terry over at Google Plus. Should you give a damn, don't forget the Dirty WHOers rating system and the Dirty WHOers drinking game.

So, here we are once more. The usual shenanigans. Eccleston, Piper, and Charles Dickens, suffering from bad gas in 'The Unquiet Dead' [2005].

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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