Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 73

Hello again, fellow Whovians.

Only two weeks between podcasts? It's a miracle. Time for us to take a shufty at the Tom Baker '77 classic, Image of the Fendahl.

Salty squirting. It's all in a (town) name. Upsetting the dog. Mrs. Poo. Mick Jaggers house. The confusion of Licorice Allsorts. Padding free. Sen being the age of Oolons shoes. Like vinegar on Slaveen. Kick ass make-up. Lovecraft slugs. Leela and pikeys. The asteroid belt and Timelord shenanigans? The DW festive episode? More infamous than famous. Industrial relations and cheese. Beware of any humming. Being small. Telling someone it's glowing. Benedict Cumberbatch's mum. Front bottoms. Feels like RTD? K-9 on grass. Growing up next to time rifts. The definition of 'Meh' Including action figures). Serious Big Tom - and not yet bonkers. Soft spots for prawns.

Thankfully the Prof is back on editing duty, so it's remarkably coherent. All hail The Prof, he's a star. Big shout out to Chris ;)

Here's a gun. The only way out might be to shoot yourself at the end.

Only two weeks between podcasts? It's a miracle. Time to take a shufty at some Big Tom folk horror, 'Image of the Fendahl' [1977]. Prof is back on editing duty, so it's remarkably coherent.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 72

This time around we shoot the breeze on 'Sontaran Experiment' [1975] and chat about the usual bickering fluff. I won't win any awards, but it's mercifully short.

Luring humans to an empty planet. Snorkel Parkers. Death by fart. Buying council grit bins - a bit out of vogue. Johnny falling down the well. Enough Tom for everybody. The awesomeness of Ian and Liz. Tom's broken bone. What makes a story arch instead of just a connection? A distinct lack of corridors. Brummie and South African accents. More than just a filler? Councillors v's Cardinals. Paddington buttons. Sarah's wellies. Robin Day or Admiral Ackbar? Fear of humans and the rise of Galactic Empire. Laughable hallucinogenics. Minimal universal destruction. Blackpool anecdotes and Brit nostalgia. The 'Axe' effect? Two stuntmen scrapping. Harry's initiative. But first, bureaucratic stuff...

Sputters stepping in again on the edit while the Prof was away on his hollibobs.

Bless Saint Xtofer (our new Temporal Engineer) is kickin' ass with us over on Facebook. We're all over Twitter, and Terrance ios a hero at the old Google Plus. Don't forget we've got the Dirty WHOers rating system and the Dirty WHOers drinking game if you can take it.

Lightfoot, Spunik, Fushia, and The Prez, having a go at reviewing 'Sontaran Experiment' [1975]. Chatting about the awesomeness of Ian and Liz, Blackpool anecdotes and Brit nostalgia, and what makes a story arch?

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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