Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dirty WHOers Podcast - Episode 71

Hola peeps.

Sputters was knackered and we were a bit subdued - we recorded this one months ago but technical bobbo (a can of Red Bull over Sputters MacBook Air) has thwarted an earlier release - but it's mercifully short.

This time around we cast a bleary eye over the 1972, third Doctor outing, 'Day of the Daleks'.

We discuss the cuteness of Ogrons (better than Pig Men - never happened) and Greg Evigan. Special edition special effects. Spies, tight knots and escapology. The Doctors blaster skills. Futuristic futon furniture. Paradox's done properly. The Terminator. Billie Pipers Irish accent. The Space Tricycle pile of shit. The theft of vino. Lightfoots 'special' voice. The initial seeding of the notion that that a time traveller cannot "redo" an act that he/she has or she previously taken. All hail The Brig. Pure Jon style. Daleks v's John Stewart. The sheer enjoyment of Katie's outfit. Blah, blah.

Big thanks to Lightfoot for the tidy-up and to Sputters place of work for the loan of the MacBook.

Saint Xtofer (Temporal Engineer of extreme magnitude) is now helping out over on Facebook, so we're a regular as a dose of syrup of fig. We're all over Twitter, and on Google Plus. Plus, if thou be so inclined, here's the Dirty WHOers rating system and the Dirty WHOers drinking game for reference.

We cast a bleary eye over the 1972 Pertwee outing, 'Day of the Daleks.' Recorded months ago, but technical issues (a can of Red Bull over Sputters MacBook) thwarted an earlier release. We got there in the end.

WebMaster: Terry Lightfoot
WebDoctor: Oolon Sputnik
Blog by Terry Lightfoot
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