Hola Whoovian peeps.
Right, so, grab a drink (we suggest tequila shots) and load up any of our podcasts. Then give this a go:

Sputters refers to either MILFs or to masturbating - drink.
Sen or Sputters talk about their childhood - drink.
Sen goes off on one about anything to do with the TARDIS - drink.
A family pet interrupts the podcast - 2 drinks.
Sputters mentions Pertwee, Bessie or Jo Grant - drink.
Sputters impersonates Sen - drink.
Sen impersonates Sputters - 2 drinks.
Sen disses RTD - drink.
Anyone disses Tennant - drink.
Terry forgets what she's talking about - drink.
Terry forgets the rating system - drink.
Terry says fuck, mierda, estúpido or any variation thereof - drink.
Fuschia tuts or sighs - drink.
Fuschia name drops - drink.
Fuschia lays the hate down on McCoy - drink.
Fuschia says "The fact is..." - drink.
You hear a bottle opening, pouring, glasses, or ice chinking - 2 drinks.
There's a Krap Dalek sketch/joke - drink.
The Prof is mentioned - drink.
You get name-checked - 3 drinks.
Someone says: Wanker, Plonker or Bollocks - drink.
We mention Second Life, or one of our Second Life buddies - drink.
We mention another podcast, or someone from another Who podcast - drink.
Tabby has "A bit of thing" for someone - drink.
Tabby mentions Shakespeare, J. K. Rowling, Charlotte Brontë or Jane Austen - drink.
Addendum: Thanks Vicky!:
Sputters disses Davison: drink.
Terry swoons over McGann: drink.
Sen mentions the never-realised-80s-TimeAgents-plotline: 2 drinks.