Yay! More middle-aged, anal-retentives and drunks arguing about Dr. Who! Just what the podcasting world needs. On the plus side, it's a lot shorter this time. Check out the top player (below) for our latest WHOerish fandom.
This time, the home work was 'Kingmaker' from Big Finish, for which the Fluff (Fuschia) sensibly wrote a review last week (before we could add OUR enraged and narrow-minded opinions into the mix).
We've still not get any proper kit, and we're just recording it on Skype with freebie software, so don't expect miracles out of the sound.
Let us know, in the comments below, if you like this kinda malarky. Or even suggest us a subject or something to watch for next time. Better still, send us free Who shit and we'll mock it for you! You can also subscribe in
iTunes if your the repeat offender type.
...get in!
Yay! More middle-aged anal-retentives and drunks arguing about Dr. Who! Where Fushia tries to introduce us to Big Finish audio, starting with 'Kingmaker.' What is 'cannon,' and why are Timelords cool?